Pay Lease Maturity Obligations, excluding any outstanding lease payments. Includes Excess Wear and Tear Charges and Excess Kilometre Charges.

Declare My Intent
Use this form to let us know your Lease Maturity plans, even if you’re undecided.

Update My Profile
Click here to email us your updated contact info. Be sure to include your Lease No. and VIN in the email.

My Lease Maturity Guide
This brochure includes all the important information you need to make an informed decision on what your next move should be. We walk you through the steps for each of your Lease Maturity options.
Securely upload documents so that the insurance on file for your leased vehicle is up to date and in compliance with your lease agreement.
You will need your VIN and Lease Account Number.

My Disclosure Statement
A completed Vehicle Disclosure Statement is required by your dealership at lease maturity. Download the form here.
Find answers to commonly asked questions about leasing, lease maturity, lease transfer and more.

With SCI CarCareTM, your vehicle will be covered for Excess Wear and Tear (EWT). Click below to learn more.